The Ultimate Guide To An Armpit Detox
If you’re here, you’re probably thinking about making the switch to natural deodorant. Or maybe you’ve already switched and you’re worried about the smell your body is giving off lately. Natural deodorant is not as daunting as it may seem and we’re here to break it down for you.
If you’ve been using conventional deodorant or antiperspirant for some time, then your body has likely become dependent on those products now. The chemicals in these products help keep the stink away, but they also interfere with our body's natural process. Conventional deodorants and antiperspirants contain the following ingredients:
Aluminum: Studies have shown a connection between aluminum to breast cancer and Alzheimer’s Disease.
Parabens: Believed to disrupt hormone function by mimicking estrogen. Too much estrogen can trigger an increase in the growth of tumors. Has been linked to breast cancer and reproductive issues.
Formaldehyde: Known carcinogen that kills germs, but also can kill healthy cells. Causes irritation to the eyes, skin , nose and throat
Phthalates: Natural hormone disruptors that can create an imbalance in your system.
Propylene glycol: Otherwise known as antifreeze. Carries a slight risk of being toxic for your immune system.
Pretty scary, right? What’s scarier is that the skin on our armpits is really thin. All these ingredients in products get absorbed pretty easily through that skin and affect our immune systems directly. It all seems like it’s part of a huge conspiracy theory, doesn't it? It isn't but why take the risk.
So where does detoxing our armpits come in? If you've already made the switch to natural deodorant, you might be wondering why it's not working. Unfortunately, making the switch isn't as easy as dropping your favorite conventional deodorant and picking up a natural one. You'll have to start with getting rid of all the toxin build-up as well as re-training your body to manage bacteria without all those chemicals. Sound like too much work? It really isn’t!
It can take up to 30 days for your body to regulate itself and get used to the absence of chemicals, though for some people the detox stage is shorter. The good news is that you can still use your natural deodorant during the detox process!
WARNING: You will smell. It might be terrible.
But remember, that is just part of the process your body needs to go through to get used to being without all those chemicals. May we suggest keeping your arms firmly planted close to your body?
Introducing: The Armpit Detox
Drink Plenty of Water:
Why does it seem like drinking water is the solution to all our personal care needs? Because it is! Drinking a lot of water helps get rid of the toxins in an efficient way. It also helps with body odor! Drink clean, filtered water for the best results.
Wear Natural Fibers:
Pair your natural deodorant with a natural fiber top! Look for 100 percent cotton, linen, or bamboo rather than polyester, rayon, or other synthetic blends. Synthetic fibers can contribute to bad bacteria overgrowth and are also treated with chemicals.
Mind What You Eat:
You are what you eat. And, believe it or not, that applies to how you smell too. Sticking to a clean, vegetarian diet for a few days will help you maintain a neutral body odor. And it might be a good idea to lay off onion and garlic too! Whew.
It might seem counter-intuitive, but moving your body and sweating will help your body get rid of all that bacteria stuck inside because of antiperspirants. Antiperspirants clog your pores so you’re actually sweating inside your body!
Dry Off Completely After A Shower:
Moisture is bacteria’s best friend. Without it, they can’t grow or reproduce. Gross, but true. We often neglect our underarms when it comes to drying off after a shower. Dry underarms are necessary for less odor and the perfect canvas for deodorant application.
Apple Cider Vinegar, Lemon, and Witch Hazel:
We’ve all heard of toners for our faces. What about our underarms? The acidic nature of apple cider vinegar or fresh lemon helps to neutralize bacteria causing the odor. After a shower, simply apply either one with a cotton ball and allow to air dry. You can follow up with an application of your natural deodorant if you’d like. You can also use witch hazel in the same way.
Our armpits need the same love and attention the rest of our bodies get. Use a gentle exfoliating cleanser for no more than twice a week on your armpits. You can exfoliate with a loofah, dry brush, or even your hands. Remember to be gentle with your delicate skin!
BONUS: Exfoliating helps with soft, smooth underarms. It exposes hair follicles, allowing for a smoother shave. Thank us later.
We’ve exfoliated and toned our underarms. All that's left is a mask. This DIY clay mask will be a constant companion in your detox journey. Apply daily, (we recommend before your shower), until you notice the smell going away. Remember to give your body the time it needs to fall back into its natural function.
The Aztec Secret Indian Healing Mask
1 tablespoon healing bentonite clay
1 teaspoon apple cider vinegar
1-2 teaspoons of water
Mix all the ingredients in a small bowl. Make sure not to use a metal bowl or spoon. Saving you from reading a wordy scientific explanation, metal spoons and bowls will react with the clay reducing most of its healing properties. You want the consistency to be creamy.
Apply in an even layer over your armpits and let it sit for 5-20 minutes. Consider starting slow and working up to a longer period of time. If you feel a burning sensation, wash off the mask. You might experience some redness with an increase of blood flow to the area, but that will quickly go away.
Wash off in the shower or with a warm, wet washcloth.
Repeat until you see results!
** It is totally okay to use a ready-made mask for the detox. Watch the video below for more tips on an armpit detox by the beautiful Lisette Michelle, esthetician, makeup artist, and clean beauty ambassador!
We hope you have a quick and easy detox journey!