A Natural Bug Spray and Bug Bite Stick for Every Season


Fall is quickly approaching and it’s time to say goodbye to backyard barbeques, beach days, and … bugs? Right? You would think as the temperature drops there would be a drop in the incessant buzzing, swatting, and itchy, red bug bites. But as the chilly days draw us into our cozy homes, the warmth invites all those pests right in as well. It’s not time to retire the bug repellent just yet. But who wants to breathe in those chemical-heavy sprays and creams every day while at home? What if we told you we had just the thing to escape those pesky little bugs?

While chemicals are effective they have been linked to skin irritation, dizziness, and allergic reactions. Their natural counterparts are safer for sensitive skin, children, and infants.

Mona Moon Naturals makes the Bug Bite Stick and the Bug Away Spray, both created with natural ingredients. How do they work? Well, scroll on!

MMN Bug Away Spray

The Bug Away Spray is a simple, delicious-smelling solution to all your bug problems. Anything from mosquitoes to spiders, just gently shake and spray all over your clothes, any exposed skin, and hair and you’re good to go!

Things to love about this spray: it’s long-lasting (around 3 hours), it is calming and hydrating, it doesn’t stain (so don’t be shy!) and it works! The blend of lemon eucalyptus- one of the best natural ingredients to ward off insects- citronella, lemongrass, lavender, and cedarwood essential oils makes it safe to use and effective.

MMN TIP: We suggest applying Bug Away Spray every two to four hours!

MMN Bug Bite Stick

Say you forget to spritz on your Bug Away Spray and a bug flies in at the right moment to take advantage. That itchy, red welt is screaming for a good scratch. This leads to irritated skin and a neverending cycle of scratching ensues. Don’t worry! We’ve got you covered with the Bug Bite Stick - a soothing, itch-relieving, pushup tube that you can rub on irritated skin. The ingredients in this product work to not only give you a fast solution but also help bug bites disappear a little quicker than when left untreated.

Warning: This product and statements have not been approved by the FDA.

Both the Bug Away Spray and the Bug Bite Stick are available in a bundle - Camp Bundle.