Healthy Back-to-School Habits to Develop
Summer flew by when I was in school. One day I was celebrating the end of the school year, and the next thing I knew, I was decorating my locker and shopping for the coolest back-to-school clothes. Things haven’t changed much: summer still flies by and when I see school buses on the road in late August practicing their routes, I can’t believe it’s that time of the year again. It’s not only time for students to practice good back-to-school habits, I need to fine tune my own good habits to get back on track. So, this post is for students and adults alike!
It’s back-to-school time
Healthy Habits to Get Students (and Adults) Ready for Back to School
1. Effective time management
Does everyone seem to be a bit busier these days? I don’t like to glorify being busy, so I like to manage my time wisely, and I encourage students (and their parents) to do so as well. Set aside study time, relaxation time, mindful time, “you” time, food time, exercise time, etc. Figure out what type of planner works best for you, learn to prioritize, and don’t try to do it all.
2. Revamp some lifestyle choices
You can’t pump Sour Patch Kids into your car and expect it to run, so don’t expect the same of your body. Fuel your body with good stuff - it’s the only one you have. (If needed, treat yourself to the occasional Sour Patch Kid.) Balanced meals throughout the day are really helpful! Plan ahead for the week before you get too busy and end up with whatever your siblings left you in the fridge.
3. Prioritize zzzzzz’s
People vary on how much sleep they need each night but 7-9 hours is typically a safe bet. Just as important as the number of hours you sleep is developing a routine sleep pattern. Try to go to bed and wake up around the same time each day. Start playing around with a bedtime routine that promotes relaxation like reading or deep breathing. My friend loves to listen to Buddhist chanting on a YouTube video. Whatever floats your boat.
Develop a healthy sleep schedule.
4. Stay hydrated
We can go longer without food than we can without water (although I don’t recommend playing around with this notion). Keep a water bottle with you and stay hydrated. If you carry one in your backpack, find one (and test it) that does not leak! No one wants to clean that up.
5. Limit screen time
I wish I could scream this from the rooftops. Yes, adults, this is for us too! Too much screen time can cause anxiety and unnecessary stress. We need to put our phones and tablets down. If we don’t put our screens away, we deal with mental fatigue, eye strain, and disrupted sleep patterns. Instead, let’s go for a walk, add some type of enjoyable physical movement into our day, and/or communicate with someone in person.
Enjoy walks with your friends.
6. Practice stress management
Going back to school can be stressful. It’s time to start thinking about what tools you can use to manage that stress. Do you like to go for walks? Listen to music? Journal? Discover healthy stress management options and surround yourself with great people who will support you.